Thursday, December 30, 2010

reflecting on '10

I was having dinner tonight with Sophia and Jesse (eating the Mac N Cheese for the 1st time and trying a new beer) when Jesse asked me if I think that 2010 has been a bad year with good points or a good year with bad points.  Most of the rest of my friends answered bad year/good points so I felt a little guilty for saying good year/bad points.  However, I'm also really grateful.

Upon reflecting on 2010, I would say that Oregon Country Fair, my time in Omaha, pedalpalooza and my internship have probably been the high points but none of those were single events.  OCF was short (as was my time in Omaha) but different points in each of those several days made them memorable.  There have been bad points but nothing too bad and anything that lasted too long.  Meeting awesome new people, having several awesome bike rides (naked or in many different costumes, trying new things (Laser tag!!!), some wonderful parties, great music shows, and much-needed vacation trips made for one awesome year!

What else?
After the Hedge House, we went to watch Big Lebowski at the Clinton Street Theater.  I heard that Portland has a Big Lebowski event where everyone dresses in their robes and goes to the park to drink white russians.  I am definitely doing that this next year!

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