Saturday, January 30, 2010

portland's first annual tweed ride

(This is one of my favorite photos ever.)
Tally ho!  T'was a delightful day for a ride on the bicycle, I do say.

The winter here seems so long.  It was wonderful today to have a bike ride to help break it up and to get the bike crowd together.  Other cities have started doing tweed rides where people dress up in tweed suits and look like their either come from the BBC or Mary Poppins.  It's surprising that it took Portland this long to have a tweed ride but we pulled it off in style with around 120 participants.

I love cyclists.  My tire started losing air after we biked up all the way north and I had to shout out for a bike pump on three separate points in the ride and I had no trouble finding one and someone who would wait with me while I filled it up.

At the end of the ride, there was a fashion contest.  I thought I was in good running since I had someone ask me earlier to pose for the camera.  I didn't end up winning but I did have a fabulous time.  And I made it to Seven Corners before my tire was completely useless.  I luv that shop!  I got a new tube and he changed it for me in a matter of minutes and I paid less than $10 (because I bought a bell too).

Here are some more pics from the ride:
What else?
I decided to be social after the ride as well and went to a Riot Cop show at the feminist bookstore In Other Words.  They used to have a location on Hawthorne and I would do there all the time but they moved up to north a few years ago and today was my first visit.

We ended the night with karaoke at the Galaxy.  There were seven of us there.  One guy (not with us) got up to sing a country song about loving the USA and ended up adding, "And I'm afraid of fucking faggots" in between lyrics.  The KJ didn't cut him off which pissed me off.  Later, when I got up to sing, I used the mic to tell the guy that he should be afraid because we're everywhere.  Then I blew him a kiss.  I was really hoping that he would come up to start a fight because I could have beaten him up but he didn't hear me or at least didn't acknowledge me.

The TV show Dollhouse ran its abrupt series finale last night which blew me away this afternoon when I watched it.  I <3 Joss Whedon and almost everything he does.  The show started off rough but got a lot better, especially when they had to pick up the pace because they found out they were cancelled.  Oh well, it's one less distraction for me...and Lost begins its last season next week anyway.

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