Friday, December 3, 2010

the travel bug

A few weeks ago, I was looking for new desktop wallpaper for my internship computer.  I came across the picture at the bottom of this post and decided that was what I wanted.  Maybe it's the lack of sun here right now but I want to go to somewhere where it's warm, where I can relax and where I can walk out onto a pier and just lose myself in the beauty.

Arturo just got back from visiting his fam in Cali for a few months.  He's here for just a week and then he's going camping in the jungles of Mexico.  Yes, I'm jealous.  I am a homebody but I've got this strong desire to go somewhere far away that I have never seen before and just relax.

We went out to eat and drink tonight along with BHT who spent most of last year traveling throughout the US in his pickup.  His journey was more soul-searching but he still got out there and travelled somewhat aimlessly and got to see the world.  I'm heading to Nebraska later on this month and then my only other travel plans involve going to Alaska in August for my cousin's wedding.  I think I'm going to need to fit something tropical in there.

What else?
We went to Dick's where I tried a BBQ tempeh burger there for the 1st time.  We also went to Hall of Records and chilled out on the couch.  Before heading to the Backstage Bar to finish out the night, we crashed an art opening at Gallery Zero (for the 1st time).  We figured it would be neat to see the art but we were also counting on free wine.  I had some pear wine which was awesome.  It was a fun night but it doesn't satisfy my need to get out of the region for warmer weather.

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