Saturday, July 10, 2010

risk of change

Today was another great day for compliments on my outfit.  However, the greatest compliment came by coincidence when an art troupe, Risk of Change, paraded by and told me to join them.

Honestly, today's outfit was filler.  When I was laying out my clothing for Fair, I decided that I would just do an all-black-and-white day.  Fortunately, I did in on the same day as Risk of Change.  I had just gotten out of a show (Kazum pictured below) when Risk of Change came parading by us.  One of the troupe told me that I belonged with them so I left my crew I was with and abandoned all other plans and jumped in with them.  While taking pics, I heard a few people surprised at my appearance, saying things like, "Was that guy with us at the beginning?" but I ran into several members later and was told, "We'll never forget you."  I know I'll never forget the spontaneity of it.

What else?
When I was working at the booth, two random ladies came by and asked to get their picture with me.  High compliments indeed.

I also saw a number of new acts. They're pictured below in the following order; Grandmother Agnes Baker Pilgrim, Kazum (3 pics), Jason Webley, Yes Sweet Can (2 pics) and NANDA again.

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