Tuesday, December 28, 2010

dog walk fix

Growing up, my parents subjected me, my sister and my brother to numerous walks.  There was a long stretch of dirt roads outside our house in Dickens and they would insist that we spend some time outside so we would walk.  A lot of times it got to where my side started to hurt and I wouldn't stop complaining.  However, it instilled in me a need to stride which was further supported through various dogs.  I got so used to walking with my dog Skip that, when I moved to Kearney to go to college, I would go over to my aunt and uncle's house just walk their dog.

When I go back home now, I miss Dean not only cause he's an awesome dog but as a walking companion.  I took Oliver out as a substitute today for Dean.  While it's nice to not have a dog trying to pull my arm out of it's socket, Oliver lacked Dean's size and therefore presence.  But it was nice to get out to stretch my legs and get some fresh air.

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