Wednesday, December 1, 2010

the advantages of fake work

As much as my real job is bugging me, my internship is delighting me.  At the beginning of the term, my instructor said that we have an advantage in our interships in that we are supposed to be curious and supposed to question why they do things the way they do.  At most jobs, bosses just want you to maintain the status quo.  Suggestion boxes are made available so you can stash your idea in a box (that may never get opened) which is so much easier to disregard than a voiced concern by a human.

Besides the fact that I'm an intern and can question without repercussion, I think that my internship agency is a lot more open to feedback from the employees.  The hierarchical structure is not so structured.  Plus, once a week, we have something called supervision.  This is an hour-long meeting with your direct supervisor where you get a chance to discuss the agency, your work, your clients and/or your ideas.  When I get promoted at my job, it's going to be one of the first things that I institute.  I think that my classes have taught me a lot but I can see that I am also learning a tremendous amount at the internship.

For my new thing, I used my supervision to question some policies regarding some of the youth that are also new parents.  My supervisor said she appreciated my feedback and thought it was a great idea.  I also got the chance to lay out more diverse tasks for myself next term which my supervisor also liked.

I have to appreciate my current job in that they are giving me all of these opportunities.  Without them, I would not be in school or in my internship.  I know that I'm in the succession plan so my promotion is imminent.  I'm currently enjoying my internship more but everything I'm learning is going to go in my toolbox so I can bring it back to my work.

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