Tuesday, January 18, 2011

dietary needs

The holidays were cruel to be kind to me this year.  I used to not eat so many cookies and candies and pastries but my body became used to it over the past two months.  That ends now.  I don't like the idea of dieting but I do like the idea of eating more responsibly and better as well as the idea of making sure I get adequate exercise and the Wii Fit alone does not count.

It helps that Sophia and I chose this month to review big salads in Portland.  Today, I found another salad I liked at the Observatory.  I like the couch there and they had a handful of salads to chose from.   Upon the staff recommendation, I opted for the Greek Salad which I enjoyed very much.  Partnered with a strawberry lemonade, it was a completely satisfying meal.  I'm hoping to carry on a taste for salads past this month.  I order them from time to time but not frequently enough despite the best of intentions.  Here's to hoping that I'll make it stick this time around.

What else?
So, after the salad, I was feeling a little low energy and I had to head to another meeting clear on the other side of town in deep SW Portland.  I passed by Marcos and decided to stop in for a quick latte.  They have a decent breakfast menu so the next time I'm out this way and fall off the salad wagon, I'm going to have their eggs benedict.

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