Monday, August 2, 2010

going for the green

Yes, I'm putting up another food post but this isn't just a new meal, it's a new diet.

When I look at food menu's, I skip right over the appetizers and also usually over the salads.  Salads rarely, if ever, constitute a meal for me.  Raised on a meat diet, that's what meals mean to me.  Sandwiches, tacos, burritos, pasta dishes, steaks or chicken breasts (and now the vegetarian meat versions) are needed to qualify a meal as a meal.  Salads are sides.

However, after yesterday's super-awesome Super Grain Salad at Vita, I decided to try something new.  I biked up to the Red and Black today for lunch and tried their Red Dragon Salad.  It was good but not as great as the Super Grain.  Still, it filled me up.

My housemates and I are home at odd and inconsistent intervals now which makes for bad eating if we eat at home.  It's the easy, box type dinners that have been sustaining us.  Since I'm not eating a great or healthy dinner, I am going to try to eat better lunches.

What else?
Al had an art show today at the Globe which used to be Jace Gace.  It was my first time there but before I headed there, I parked my bike at Colonel Summers Park where they were having Monday Funday.  Everybody just hangs in the park and usually get together to do some activity.  I watched a bunch of strangers play dodgeball for a bit and then headed to the art show.  It made me think twice about my job because, if I didn't have to work in the morning, I'd love to just hang out in the park in the evening, doing stupid things with my friends.

The art show was nice though.  It was cool to see Al's work displayed and it was also great to see the Autonomy crew outside of the space.

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