Saturday, January 22, 2011

riding that pony!

Dancing is my reward.  I had to read an entire book for class.  It's a good book but it's pretty dense.  Anyway, I was damn proud of myself for getting it done.  I read the last chapter of it at the Night Light because I really wanted a Spanish coffee and I had to eat another big salad.  My favorite quote from the book was, "as far as I know, that was the first and last penile exorcism to be sponsored by the Department of Health and Human Services."

So, after homework, I partied.  It was a great Blowpony, really packed though.  The line, pictured above, was snaked up the sidewalk, up the stairs, back down the stairs, around a van and down to the end of the block.  Crazy.  However, it moved quickly enough and I was waived through the door fee cause Airick is awesome.  He also gave me a couple of drink tickets.  I danced my butt off and met up with my friend M2 who bought me another drink.  I was so damn spoiled.  More so than me, I'm hoping that Airick had a good time because he deserved this night to be fun.

It was a fabulous night.  Wonderful.  For reasons I won't go into here, I couldn't stop smiling.  It was just fabulous!

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