Sunday, January 16, 2011

turkey trouble

Dean's going to be 10 years old this year.  It's crazy to think that I've almost had him for an entire ten years.  He doesn't act like an old dog, like today when I allowed him to discover a turkey and it's bad temperament.  We took a small walk and passed by a school yard which houses turkeys and chickens.  I know Dean's seen chickens before but I think this is his first time seeing turkeys.  This was also my first time seeing a turkey bloom out its feathers in a confrontational manner.  Dean was fascinated, perplexed and then a little nervous as the turkeys started chasing him up and down the fence-line instead of the other way around.

It's fun seeing the world open up in new ways through his eyes because you can't really explain it to dogs, you have to just let them experience it.  Turkeys, like guineas and geese can be nasty creatures but to him, they're just taller ugly chickens, until they fan out their feathers and sound like a gameboy gone mad.

What else?
This was my one and only outing from the house today.  It was a lazy day.  For new things, I tried the bicycling game on the Wii Fit and ate a weird crunchy Reeses candy bar today.  Those kind of cancel each other out.

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