Sunday, August 1, 2010

back to the beacon

Today was a good easy day.  We went for a quick walk up Beacon Rock which I haven't been to since Arturo and I hiked it years ago.  It's a nice quick way to escape to the woods and see a great view of the Gorge.  It wasn't a monumental hike but that's okay because I didn't want to spend the day hiking.  I wanted today to be all nice and easy.

What else?
Best dinner ever (or at least in recent memory).  For the first time, I had the Super Grain Salad at Vita Cafe which is now one of my absolutely favorite meals in Portland.  I had a raspberry mimosa with it and followed it up with a chocolate banana muffin from Dovetail.  It was my first experience at Dovetail and I will probably end up dreaming about it tonight.

I didn't write a post about yesterday because it was another show at Autonomy and nothing that blew me away.  However, it did get out early and we watched a movie about Temple Grandin where she was played by Claire Daines.  It was really really well done and I'd highly recommend it to everyone.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Damn, I didn't know you had places like that only an hour away! I'm so jealous...