Monday, January 3, 2011

we now return you to your scheduled program

Today was a fine crash back to reality. New year, same responsibilities, new approaches.  January typically sucks for me at work.  Today didn't suck per-say but it wasn't fabulous.  I started a new client out at a store and took another client to McDonalds for lunch.  He decided not to bring food in for lunch but money instead to spend at McDonalds.  Since his mom doesn't want him to walk across the street by himself (which is actually a highway), I had to take him. I absolutely HATE McDonalds but I'll suffer through going there since it was a special treat for him.

What else?
Sophia and I are going to do a food review blog.  Maybe that'll keep so many food posts from appearing here.  Anyway, we are going to review salads for January so I thought I'd get a start on it today and head to Chaos and try one of their tasty salads.  I can't recall the name of it right now but I'll post a link to our new blog when we get it together.

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