Thursday, January 27, 2011


Today, I ran around in the sun, played games with fun people and had my first game of ultimate frisbee.  And I got paid for it.  It's a good day to be a Topher.

I don't normally think much about team building exercises because I'm a cynic.  However, my internship retreat today was set up perfect for just that.  Dave picked me up today and we went to Camp Angelos, a retreat camp in the gorge.  Every staff person (except for the on-calls) for the agency were there.  We began the day playing games.  It felt a little forced but it was a good time to chit-chat.  After that, we had an hour or two of planning for the future of the agency and what we want to see happen in five years.  Then, we did challenges in assigned groups which sort of worked for team building but then we were just left on our own.

I stuck close to the people I work with most often but then started to stretch my social capacity and played 'Catch Phrase' with 14 or so other people in the sun in a field.  It was a fun game but, when they declared they were playing Ultimate Frisbee, I chose to switch to something a lot more active.  This was my first game of Catch Phrase and first game of Ultimate Frisbee.  The Frisbee was awesome!  We played six on six.  Dave, Sarah, Tim, Bryce, Austin and I were on the same team.  We ran around for around 45 minutes, getting the adrenaline flowing and working together; team building.  It worked.  It was fabulous.

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