Monday, January 31, 2011

in the middle

A lot of people that I know can pick out astrological signs in people.  It's a bit fortune-cookie-like in that they take a number of traits that a sign is supposed to have and then they say that it describes them or a friend perfectly.  I probably fit the characteristics of an Aquarius.  However, I think that astrological signs have nothing on birth order.  I fit the middle child personality so much more closely than I do the Aquarius traits.

We discussed Family Systems Theory in my class today and, instead of having us randomly break up into groups, my teacher told us to get together in terms of birth order.  There are about 24 people in my class and only 4 are middle children.  The rest are split up pretty evenly between oldest and youngest (with only two being only children).    It was cool getting to chat birth order with a group of other middle children but it felt more like a support group.  We got issues.

I look at most of my closest friends and I think I only have three that are middle children.  It's weird.  You would think that we would gravitate towards each other.  In case you're wondering, middle child syndrome consists of a lack of belonging, reclusion, no sense of purpose/direction, trust issues and esteem issues.  Yes, those are broad categories that could in some amount or another apply to anyone but I think that I exhibit them well.  For some reason, I find comfort in the fact that I fit the middle child profile.  Maybe it's because I found out today that they are others out there just like me.

What else?
Salad month is over.  Thank god.  I liked eating big salads but I'm ready to move on to a meal that will actually fill me up.  I went to Backspace and ate there for the first time for my last official big salad of January.  We haven't posted our opinions yet on the big salads but we will soon and I'll put a link up here.

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