Wednesday, January 5, 2011

for once in my life

Today I got to sit right under the White Stag sign.

As you head across the Burnside Bridge, this iconic sign stands out, welcoming you to downtown.  Through work, I was invited to an advance film showing at the White Stag Building of the PBS documentary, "For Once In My Life," about a group of clients working at a Florida voc rehab center who also decided to form a band, employing musical therapy to their voc site as well.

It was a great documentary and I would love it if we could do more things like that at my work.  I've actually got a lot of work improvement ideas right now.  I restarted my internship today and could see developing a program at my work where we help youth in transition off of the streets with vocational services.  If I only had another 12 hours in a day or a clone or a personal aide or two, I could do this all...

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