Thursday, September 6, 2007


I don't like hype. That's why I resisted reading Harry Potter until book four was released. Then my friend Sarah was talking about it one night and I decided that I could give it a shot.

I love reading and I love anything that gets more people reading. There's definitely still a lot of hype around Harry Potter but it's a good thing when people that I don't normally talk to approach me simply because I'm reading the book. It's a beautiful thing when, in this age of flashy pictures and catchy tunes, a book can cause such a stir.

I finished the last Harry Potter book today. It was the last I will ever read of him. I'm willing to count this as my new thing. I've never written a tribute to a book before.


Lynnett said...

parting is such sweet sorrow

Sarah said...

You said it Chris!