Thursday, September 20, 2007

fast food justification

When I went vegetarian years ago, it wasn't for political reasons but merely to improve my diet. I realized that I was eating way too much fast food. I figured if I cut out the meat, I'd have to cut out the fast food and I would be eating healthier.

Well, it worked. I stopped eating fast food because I had no other choice. Since then, a lot of fast food chains have come up with better vegetarian options than just a side salad and fries. However, I still don't do the fast food thing. It was a habit that I was happy to break and I don't ever have the desire to eat that shit again.

However, I went to a fast food chain today. I'm a hypocrite. In my defense though, I don't consider Burgerville as bad as the others (McD's, Burger King, Wendy's, etc) because they're more Northwest centric. Plus today I had my lunch bought for me.

One of the supervisors at one of the stores I oversee was taking her clients out to lunch to thank them for working so hard. She invited me along and bought me lunch. It wasn't the first time I had been to that Burgerville but it was the first time I had went outside of the store to eat with the whole group of clients. It was fun, even if it was fast food.

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