Wednesday, September 5, 2007

let's get physical

I'm a pretty active guy most of the time. However, the desk job has worn a little on me. I was pretty surprised when I stepped on a scale today and saw the highest reading I've ever seen. They say that muscle weighs more than fat but I was still concerned. So I turned to Richard Simmons.

One of my clients says that she thinks Richard Simmons is a hottie so she has left a copy of Sweatin' to the Oldies in the ATE room. Today, I pulled it out and told everyone we were going to do it after lunch. The girl that loves Richard didn't do it but another case manager and I got one client to do it that hardly ever moves. This guy walks VERY slowly and doesn't usually get up and move about in the room. However, he likes the other case manager a LOT to the extent that he touches himself in front of her. She's a pro though so she got him to stand up as long as he could face her and then he sweat to the oldies. I've never seen this guy smile more. It was so great!

Usually when I go to watch the ATE room, I bring a movie that I think they would like. Since some of them have mobility issues, exercise has always been touchy but now I know those who can and want to will participate and everyone else will just do their thing. I now have another reason to love my job. It'll keep me in shape!

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