Wednesday, July 6, 2011

fairly comfortable trip

We made it!

For us, the trip to fair has a history of breakdowns, either before fair or afterwards. This year, most of the problems started before we even left town but Ashes got them fixed. Since I no longer live with them, I pretty much just came along when everything was up and running. To contribute though, I pulled some hair out of my head and tossed it out the window as a sacrifice to the interstate gods when we passed by the Pine Cone Diner which is where we typically break down. We didn't break down there either but we did have a slight detour in Coburg where some mechanics assessed the RV but it didn't absolutely need repairs so we were able to make it to fair after all! Hooray!

It feels sooooooo good to be back here. This year, Raven's friend Mercury joined us as well as Bastard's significant other, Anna. Another change from previous years is the wristbands are cloth instead of plastic. There's also a slight tail on them. Hence, the first picture above of the sign. I could tell that they weren't going to be ideal so I got my name badge today which is pictured below:

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