Monday, July 13, 2009

impending doom

Fortunately, the rain didn't decimate the roads enough for the city/state/wildlife agency to shut down the roads out of our campground, which was the rumor. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't all of the our problems.

It didn't rain today which made clean-up easier. A lot of vendors still had food too so I got to have Biscuits and Tantric Gravy for a dollar. Also, they still had barter fair, which is where many vendors that couldn't make it into fair due to regulations (like no imported stuff) and fair vendors who had other items sell their wares in the parking lot. It's called Barter Fair but apparently, they are more than willing to barter with money. Good thing too because I got some cute pants.

Packing up was bitter and sweet. I was sad to be leaving the comfort of the OCF but excited for the comfort of my bed. I would have to wait though as we lost a tire onthe interstate outside Albany. Well, I guess we didn't lose the whole tire. We kept the intertube. I've never seen a tire strip so strictly just around the tread. I've never changed a tire before but I managed to change one tonight three times. I'd say it was fun but I'd be lying. However, it didn't really suck either. It's just one of those things that happens...every year. Last year, my housemates broke down in the exact same spot.

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