Wednesday, July 13, 2011

turning negatives to positives

I used to be a bright and shiny optimist. Somewhere along the lines, I became a whole lot more cynical. It wasn't a conscious choice. It just happened. This morning, I decided to reach down deep into my core and bring forth a little optimism. Yes, I am still thrown off-guard by what my dog did yesterday and over the weekend. However, until I can figure out why, I decided that maybe he just needs a new routine that he would enjoy. So we're walking.

I love walking Dean anyway but it seems like time is never on our side. In order to make a little more time, I got up this morning at 5:30am, got all of my stuff ready for work and then walked Dean up to Mt Tabor. We ended up walking 3.2 miles and he got some off-leash time around the reservoir. Until now, I haven't wanted to walk him to Tabor because I thought it was a bit far for him and his bad legs. However, he's proven that he needs to burn off energy and since I'll be gone for several hours at work, the morning seems more of a fitting time to wear him out.

It was a great walk and it made me feel fabulous. When I got home from work today, I didn't see one thing torn up, moved or disheveled. Yay for easy solutions to odd problems.

What else?
I did my country fair laundry today. I realized how much pink I wore there because it turned the laundry water pink and all of my white pink too. Now I have a lot more pink items which I have again determined to view optimistically. I like pink!

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