Friday, July 22, 2011


Sophia has been more than generous with her house. Aside from my room, she has also given me the office/man-cave/Dean's room and the back porch. Tim started with the back porch but it still needs some work. I plan to make his vision a reality and get a hammock back there.

I was going to do it earlier this week or last weekend but the rain stopped me. Today, I decided to dig into it and cleared a pathway in the back and pulled a lot of the dead plants from the back. There's also a small plot of dirt back there among the cement and the rocks which Dean has claimed. I'm sure he'll burrow a bed there when I get it to be usable. I didn't succeed yet but I made good progress.

What else?
I walked Dean to Clinton Park for the first time today. I didn't plan on it taking us as long as it did so we didn't get to spend a lot of time there. Really, Mt Tabor is just as nearby and a lot more pretty so I'll probably just go there from now on.

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