Saturday, July 30, 2011

the cool kids

When I was in high school, I was pretty much a dork. I know, big shocker. I was in speech, theater, the parlimentary procedure team, art and I was last man on a basketball team in which everybody who tries out makes the team. Hell, I think I was even on the debate team one year. However, I had my friends and I was happy. Around my Junior year, I got my glasses off and I think I started to exude more confidence. I was still a dork but I didn't look as much the part. That year, one of the cool seniors from school invited me to a small house party of hers.

I didn't really know what to expect. At first, I assumed it was a joke. Then I thought it was probably like those pranks that would have the dorky kid go mental (ala Carrie) afterwards. However, the girl who invited me was really nice and so I dared to go. There was maybe seven or eight of us there. I was the only guy (story of my junior high/high school/early college life). We just sat around and talked and then watched Silence of the Lambs. It was tame and easy-going and I loved it.

Last night, a co-worker who I have never spent any one-on-one time with outside of work texted me and said that she wanted to hang out. She stated that she wanted to be BFF's and she wanted us to go kayaking. At first I didn't know who it was. After she told me, I assumed that she didn't know who I was. I don't kayak. I would kayak (although I've never really gave it much thought) but I don't own a kayak. Anyway, I rightfully assumed she was drunken texting and told her to text me again tomorrow.

Sure enough, I was right. She stated that she had to review her cellphone messages in the morning to see what she sent out at yesterday's Brew Fest. Still, she was interested in hanging out so I met her at a bar. It was okay. I normally don't like to mix work and not-work. Ashes and I are cool but he's different. In the past, mixing work and not-work has resulted in feeling getting hurt, things getting akward, me getting transferred and me having to fire a lot of my friends. Still, I think we'll be okay. I try to steer conversations away from work stuff because I don't want things to come back around at the office.

Anyway, I'm glad that she still wanted to hang out because I do think that she's an awesome person. I'm afraid that I could be getting myself into becoming the recipient of yet-another drunk texter but oh well. That's what friends are for.

What else?
For  my new thing, I had a Jackson 5 Julep. Actually I had a few of them...

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