Sunday, July 25, 2010

water fun

When I was a little kid, I loved Aquaman.  When my friends and I would run around the yard and pick superheroes that we were pretending to be, I'd usually go with Aquaman.  This is odd because he doesn't have great superpowers and it's ironic because I'm not a good swimmer.

I can remember swimming lessons being a type of punishment for me.  I liked to go around and splash a bunch in the water but I did not like the structure of lessons.  There were stages that we would go through until the instructor thought we had graduated to the next level.  I didn't advance through these stages early.  The pool once lost my sister Jackie's swimming lessons card and she had to go through each stage again, which she did in a matter of minutes.  I remember being jealous and also thinking, "Take me with you so I don't have to go through this anymore!"

In community college, my friend Brian was a lifeguard at the Y.  I would go there occasionally and screw around in the pool but was constantly taking criticism from him and our friend Mick about how I didn't swim properly.  I guess it's the equivalent to me criticizing people with bad spelling.  It really doesn't matter unless you care, which I don't.  I know I can swim enough to survive.  I will never be a Baywatch lifeguard though.

Today, I mustered up the courage to go to the PSU Rec Center pool.  I have been to their hot tub many times (so many times that I have my favorite jets) but I have never gone in the pool.  People are always doing laps and with good form and speed.  I would look ridiculous trying, like a drunken seal with one flipper.  However, it was hot enough for me today to go for it.  I found out they have an open area which more closely resembles a community pool.  There was only a few other people in the open area so I had a lot of time to float around.  They have a bunch of water aerobic equipment there and I had already surpassed shame by getting into the pool so I gave some of the equipment a shot.  I tried the water gloves which webbed my fingers and gave me a good workout just treading water.  Since I paid for the membership to the Rec Center, I will definitely be going back.

What else?
I went to Vincente's pizza with Dom quick so we could have a drink before seeing Inception.  It was well worth the $4.75.  If you like Memento, go see this.  I've been loving Christopher Nolan's work since Memento so I was eager to see it and it lived up to my expectations.  Don't just go to see it expecting a FX extravaganza because it's a lot more story-driven than FX driven.

Dean vs the sprinklers...The other day on Infomania, they showed a clip of dogs vs sprinklers so I got out my droid today when Dean went to get some water or get sprayed trying...


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