Wednesday, July 28, 2010

the interviewer and the interviewee

During my junior or senior year in high school, our civics teacher had us go through mock interviews with either him or the principal.  I had to interview with the principal, who told me I don't keep good eye contact.  I was nervous and unsure about it all.  Since then, I've developed a lot of interviewing skills.  My boss is also wanting to get my name out there more so she assigned me to conduct mock interviews at De La Salle high school this morning.

I've conducted mock interviews before (when I worked at the Archway) but it was with seniors.  Today, I interviewed soon-to-be freshman.  It was weird because some of these kids were my oldest niece's age.  Overall, I was impressed with these kids.  Most of them did better than I did waaaaaay back when.  One or two of them were so confident, well spoken and had a clear 15!  Others were a little more nervous and I found myself playing the part of the mentor and coming clean with them.  I told them that they just needed to fake confidence, keep eye contact and act agreeable.  I told them when they get the job, their performance is important but what will be noticed is if they show up on time and dress nice.  Everything else is secondary.

It's weird being in this position to teach the kids what really goes on out there.  I guess it's what I'm gonna be doing next school year for my internship so I better get used to it.  It's good that I enjoyed it though.

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