Friday, July 16, 2010

rocco's bar

It's hard to believe this place is in conjunction with the dirty dive I've come to love since I moved here.  Rocco's Pizza is at the beginning of where the gay ghetto used to be and it's right across the street from Powell's Books so I've been there a lot.  When my parents and grandma came to town within a year or so of me moving here, I took them to Rocco's.  I realize in hindsight that it was not a great place to take visitors.  However, I would bring them here.

Rocco's Bar opened up not that long ago and today was my first visit there.  It's clean and has nice interior.  It doesn't have the character that the Pizza Parlor has but it's still got the same cheap, doughy pizza.  It also has mixed drinks though.  Next school year, I'll be working two days per week at New Avenues which is right down the block from Rocco's.  I'm sure I'll get to Rocco's Bar a lot more often.

What else?
I was at Autonomy tonight, helping clean.  It's coming along so well.

When I was heading home, I was biking up Division and ran into a bike mob right around 12th Ave.  They had tall bikes and a sound system and said, "Join us," so I did.  We biked down the Springwater Corridor when they stopped and I kept going.  It was nice to ride with for a while though.  I miss mass rides.

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