Monday, August 20, 2007


I hate technology. It can be so convenient when it works but then you get used to it and it goes to shit on you and then you don't know what to do.

I am a technophobe. I resisted getting an I-pod for a while because I love my discman even though I would go through more than one a year. Well, one day it skipped on my excessively and that was the last straw so I went to craigslist and found an older I-pod with around 20 gigs of memory for $100. Then it became invaluable to me. I needed to have it with me wherever I went. Inevitably, I dropped it a time or two and it stopped being able to upload new songs. I figured that it was okay. At least I had my songs on my laptop. Well, then my laptop comes up with this error message of death and decided to not load up anymore.

I had over 1000 songs on my I-pod but my random selection kept playing the same stuff over and over and I started to download more songs onto my computer that I would rather be listening to. So I decided to go with a clean slate. It pulled up an error message when I plugged my I-pod into it for the first time and said that it could restore my original settings. I knew it'd erase all the songs I had but hey you've gotta move on sometime. However, it cleared all of my old songs out of my I-pod and refused to load up any new ones.

I may get a new I-pod sometime down the road but for now, it's back to the discman. You can't get too attached to these rotten technological devices. The stuff you own ends up owning you.


Lynnett said...

Do you know what a duvet is?

topher darling said...

Why the hell do I need to know what a duvet is?