Wednesday, August 15, 2007

moving karma

After working in a thrift store for so long, taking people's donations everyday, handling and sorting out the product, moving's easy. If you figure in the fact that I have a big car and I like to exercise, I'm a prime candidate for helping people.

Today, I helped a friend's mom move. This is after I got off work where I helped two co-workers move their office. The work move was a new thing for me. Unfortunately, helping my friend's mom move has practically become a hobby. But hey, like I said, I like the exercise. Plus I got paid. Normally I'd be all humble about it and say it was nothing and not take the money. However, from this lady, I have no problem with accepting it. I feel like it's well earned. Especially on a day like today.

It was very warm outside today but it was downright hot in the creepy storage area where she keeps her stuff. The place makes me fear prison because that's what it's built like; a makeshift prison. There is no air, just these long impersonal hallways with marked doors like cell numbers. It doesn't help the aesthetic that the place is surrounded by a big fence with a big gate up front. As soon as you walk in the door of the building, an automatic voice warns you that your image has been recorded. Then you ride in a padded elevator to the units. It's very eerie. So yeah, I took the money. I think I built up major moving karma as well for all the times I've done this.

1 comment:

Lynnett said...

This is a nice photo!