Thursday, August 9, 2007

a fresh reflection

My former supervisor once summed me up in one sentence to his boss. He said, “His best and worst quality is that he doesn’t have an ego.” I’ve always considered that true. I’m not full of myself but I could stand to demand a little more respect and think a little more of myself. Today, I met someone who helped me do just that.

My good friend at work brought in her best friend Janine from outside to come see our job today. It was interesting because it gave me a fresh perspective on my friend and also on how odd our job can be. We’re all used to it but Janine was taken back by it all. Also, my friend told Janine about me and had me tell her stories about Europe and my activism and my general activities. Janine looked shocked and then sarcastically asked me why I don’t go get a life.

I don’t think of my life as that exciting but when I looked at it reflected in Janine’s eyes, it looked downright fascinating. I thought, “Damn, I AM pretty cool.” I don’t think this is going to give me an over-inflated sense of myself but maybe a little ego is healthy every now and then. From time to time, if I can see in myself what Janine saw today, maybe I’ll be able to hold my head a little higher and have more of a positive reflection.

1 comment:

Lynnett said...

Of course you're're you! I LOVE you!