Friday, August 17, 2007


I know I've said it before but I do LOVE my job. I feel like I'm actually doing good there too. I was pissed about something that was decided yesterday so I went and talked with my boss's boss (because my boss was gone and I couldn't talk to her) and gave her a better solution to what had been decided and she said that my solution was "simply brilliant" and we went with that.

Later on we had a BBQ for the clients. We don't regularly have these things. In fact, it's a first for me but I think that they will happen more often. My friend Connie thought of it and got approval from my awesome bosses and all of the clients liked it. One guy who regularly has behavior problems was SOOOOO excited by it that I was a little afraid he would have a seizure or stroke because he was working himself up so much. Fortunately that didn't happen. We served up hamburgers, hot dogs, veggie burgers for me, chips, cookies and pops all on the house. And I got paid for it!!!

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