Monday, August 27, 2007

clark kent camouflage

I feel phony at work sometimes, like I am playing the part of someone who should be in my position. I think a lot of it has to do with my clothes. We have a 'casual' day at work on Fridays but every other day is business 'casual.' I usually wear short sleeve button up shirts and slacks which I feel do not represent me at all.

I was a little more dressed up today because I had to go to the YWCA (for the first time) for a quarterly provider meeting (whatever that's supposed to mean). With my glasses on, I really felt like I was wearing a disguise, like Clark Kent except I'm not Superman. When I left my meeting, I spent sometime looking for a phone booth to take a picture in but I didn't have any luck finding one. I need to start wearing tights underneath my clothes just in case I happen to stumble upon one.

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