Saturday, August 25, 2007

muggling through the day

Today was one of those days where you just want to curl up with a book, drink some coffee and not much else. Especially when the book is the new Harry Potter!!! I am so excited to read it. I could have done just that today and called it a good day. It's like a superbly cooked meal when you're starving. As easy as it would be to do, I don't want to just rush through it. I want it to last and I want to savor it. It's the LAST ONE after all.

So in order to not just read it all in one sitting, I forced myself out of the house with the help of my roomies. We went to Timberline Lodge on Mt Hood. The only other time I had been there it was snowing. We went right from the car and into the lodge to get some cocoa last time. This time, I was able to walk around the place and take in some of the sights. I went under the ski lift and checked it out. The view from the lodge was impressive but I didn't really fully appreciate it because I would have been more content with my nose in the Deathly Hallows. When we got back, I volunteered to be the sitter for the night so everyone else could go out and I could do what I had been waiting for...

1 comment:

Lynnett said...

You lucky lucky in Oregon.