Friday, June 24, 2011


In Copenhagen in 2006, we spent a couple of days in Copenhagen at Ungdomshuset (which translates to 'Youth House') and it was one of the most enjoyable experiences on the tour.  They were really hospitable and just rad people in general.  One evening, they had a queer movie night where they showed TransAmerica.  I had recently watched the movie at home but I enjoyed it so much more when I got to watch these punk kids sit through it without snickering or making derogatory remarks.  Instead, they just appreciated it and made me appreciate them and European punks in general.  Man, I miss Copenhagen...

Anyway, I digress.  Today, my work paid for me to attend a workshop on working with people who identify as transgendered that present with mental health issues.  I was impressed with the knowledge of the trainer who is a therapist and also identifies as transgendered and I was impressed with the thoughtfulness of the attendees.  The training did more closely resemble a long Q&A instead of a structured training but it was worthwhile (and I got paid so I can't complain). 

Still, I wish that we as a nation and as social workers were further along in this field.  Five years ago, punks in Europe were at this same level.  By now, we as a nation shouldn't have 'Gender-Identity Disorder' in the DSM as a mental health illness.  Most of today's training was around how to work with the mental health issues that present during transitioning.  What I was more interested in was looking at what happens when additional mental health or developmental disability issues that may occur on top of transitioning instead of viewing transitioning as a separate bundle of issues in itself.  I guess we're not there yet.

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