Saturday, June 11, 2011

simple saturday satisfactions

Today was simply wonderful for no reason.  Maybe it was wonderful because it lacked reason and simply was...

I had a few things that I wanted to accomplish today but nothing too pressing.  One of the things on my list today was to buy a new wallet to replace the one I lost last week.  I went back to Herbivore because I love their wallet selection and I really wanted to buy something vegan.  Yesterday, one of the store managers at my work was randomly talking to me about wallets and about how, when you get older, it becomes more of an impairment to have a thick wallet in your back pocket.  It's bad for your spine, etc.  However, as I recently discovered, having a wallet in your back pocket can also easily lead to losing it while biking.  At Herbivore, they had this handy thing pictured above.  Yes, it is putting all of my eggs in one basket but if my wallet can hold my phone, I can put it in my front pocket where I put my phone.  It will take a little getting used to but I think it'll be something I can roll with.

I also went to Panera Cares Community Cafe which is right next to my local Trader Joes.  First off, the bike ride to Trader Joes from Muffin HQ is wonderful in that it's all back streets but all of the streets are designated biking roads.  Also, the cafe is just awesome.  They have prices listed like a typical cafe would but the prices are just the suggested donation price.  The mission of the cafe is that anyone should be able to get a meal that needs one.  If you can pay the suggested price, then you do so.  If you can pay a little more, then you can do that as well which will help keep the place operating when people come in that can't afford to pay.  Sophia heard that 25% of people pay less than the asking price, 50% pay the asking price and 25% pay more so it ends up being sustainable.  I love this idea and the Mediterranean Veggie Sandwich was wonderful!
Another awesome and new thing today was that Bob's Red Mill recognized me for checking in to the Mill several times on foursquare by sending me free food.  They contacted me a few weeks ago, finding my facebook account since you can't communicate really through foursquare and said they wanted to give me free new products as a sign of appreciation for visiting the mill so many times.  Today, I got in two packages of couscous and two packages of granola.  Hells yeah.
What else?
I ended the awesome day by singing karaoke with Dominic, Ashes and Victory.  For the first time, I sang 'Peaches' by the Presidents of the USA.  I also made my second attempt at singing Love Cats by the Cure.  Dominic first had me sing this song years ago as a scaraoke.  I had never heard the song before so I sang it like Frank Sinatra.  I'm still not that familiar with the song but I was a lot more comfortable and think I handled it pretty well.

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