Thursday, June 23, 2011

my return to the land of the living

I don't put a lot of stock into the wisdom of bumper stickers but there's one that Laughing Horse Bookstore sells that I like, "Hate your job? Save up enough money and quit."  I fantasize sometimes about being unemployed.  Really, I have enough money saved up to float me for several months but after this week, I realize that I would have to make sure that I was doing something else (writing, gardening, cooking, etc) if I was going to not be working because I could easily fall into a pathetic pile of nothingness if left to my own inhibitions.  While being sick, I thought I would write more and read more but no, I mainly watched Six Feet Under and all of the action/sci-fi movies I missed out on during the winter and this last spring.

Oh well, today, I was able to feel like a productive being again and get some work done.  My first day back just provided more evidence that my co-workers and people I supervise are great because, after a few hours, I was caught up after being gone unexpectedly for a week.  It's nice to know that I can take the time off to take care of myself without having to stress about everything (or even anything) at work falling apart.

What else?
To celebrate my return and to donate to Bite for Rights, a bunch of us headed to Crush where I tried the Green Monk (pictured above) for the first time.  Cheers!

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