Saturday, May 1, 2010

may day 2010

Happy May Day!

I took a break from school work today and went to the May Day rally and march and then to the events afterwards.  May Day's great because it brings all of these different groups together.  It's an anarchist holiday, a worker's holiday, more recently it's become an immigrant's right day and the hippies celebrate it as Beltane.  At the march, I saw people from school, work, Country Fair, Radical Faerie Land and various activist circles.  There were socialists, feminists, anarchists, liberals, radical queers, immigrants rights activists, police accountability activists, laborers and many more people, around 5000 in all, out to say, "This isn't working."

There was a big recognition of the fucked-up-ness of Arizona's racial profiling, anti-immigrant law.  Even though the message was pretty diverse in what we wanted, most people were in support of one another.  And it's always nice to march in the streets.

After the march, everyone took a little time to recuperate and then went to the Red and Black for fun times.  In the school near the R&B, there was a housing rights encampment going on.  Right2Survive, a housing advocacy group was educating people on their rights as far as squatting goes.  I attended that for a bit but it was getting cold, I didn't dress for the weather and I am fighting off being sick so I left.  I just have a minor throat irritation and I'm tired easily so I went back to the R&B.  I had my first Kombucha on tap.  It was such a good alternative to drinking because it tastes kinda nasty like beer but it's supposedly good for you.

All in all, it was a good day.  It's nice to see people out and about, including myself.

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