Tuesday, May 18, 2010

relaxation thru organization

My room has been in disarray since I cleaned the carpet two months ago.  I pretty much shoved everything into the garage and refused to deal with it until I got a bookshelf.  I then refused to go out and buy a new bookshelf because I had something that worked and didn't want to contribute to any more trees being chopped down.

It took a while for a shelf to stumble across my path.  Today I spotted the one in the above picture at the main store at work.  It was the perfect height and length so I got it as soon as I could.  I'm pretty damn relieved to have it out of the way.

My new thing was riding in my friend Michael's truck to get it.  I had originally rented a Zip Truck to pick it up but the Zip Truck wasn't in its spot when I had it reserved so I called Zipcar, got a lot of apologies and an offer to cancel my reservation at no charge while they also gave me an hour's worth of credit.  Everything's coming up Topher.

What else?
If you're on my twitter or facebook, you've already read this story but it was too funny.  My favorite client
"M" attended a police presentation today on public safety and volunteered to do a demonstration with them.  The cop gave M a dollar and told him to put it in his pocket.  She then told M to give it to "the robber" (her assistant) when he demanded it.  Her assistant then went up to M, held out a marker and said, "Hey you, give me your money!"

M took out the dollar, threw it on the floor, kicked it underneath the table, grabbed the guy's marker and sternly said, "That's my knife!"  I love this guy!  If I ever had doubts about how much I love my job, today was a good reminder why I stay.

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