Thursday, May 20, 2010

pride at work

At the class I took yesterday, the professor Heidi talked about what we could do to help our clients feel more comfortable with coming to us.  One of her suggestions was to put up a signifier at work to identify ourselves as queer or queer-friendly.  I thought about putting up a safer space sign that says, "No racist, sexist, homophobic, classist, ageist or ableist language is tolerated is this space."  However, that's all a bit wordy and not all of our clients can read.  Putting a recognizable queer symbol (the rainbow as well as the triangle) makes more sense.

I'd like to think that my queerness is recognizable but I know that's not always the case.  This will hopefully help.  While my work tends to be more conservative sometimes, I think that I'll be able to get away with this.  I learned this in the school that they're paying for, after all.  Plus it's not likely that they would seek out of fire me since they are invested in my future there.  My bosses have been pushing "cultural considerations" lately and, if challenged on this, I would love the opportunity to discuss this openly with them.

What else?
The Westboro Baptist Church is coming back to Portland.  They're the "church" that runs  I've counter-protested them a number of times since I've been in Portland.  I've tried different tactics.  However, this time I'm going to try something different.  I wrote to the Sexual Minorities Resource Center (SMYRC) to see if I could use the WBC's latest appearance to raise funds for them.  I saw this tactic used in a youtube video and I thought it was positively inspired.

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