Saturday, May 8, 2010

building autonomy

Like I said yesterday, my housemates are renovating the new Autonomy Hive.  It reminds me of when my parents bought our house in Wallace, NE and absolutely gutted it.  They're not leaving anything.  It was a shanty town inside before and a messy shanty town at that.  The amount of garbage in the place is unbelievable.  There's an old elevator shaft which probably has a working elevator in it but we don't know for sure because it is FILLED with garbage.  Balam dubbed it 'The Pit of Despair.'  They had a "trash room" in the back.  Behind all of the trash was a door which, until this week, had been hidden.  However, when they uncovered it, they discovered another bathroom!

I took the day off studying today to help out with the building.  I spent most of the afternoon sweeping off the roof and the deck.  I hold a grudge now against all smokers who throw their butts around.  When we get the place ready to open, I am investing in an ashtray for the deck.  I spent the evening pulling nails out of boards.

Anyway, I'm super-sore and super tired.  My hand is banged up and my legs are hurting from biking around everywhere.  Still, I'd be helping with the project everyday if it wasn't for school.  It'll be a good this summer though.

What else?
I had a beautiful morning.  I made myself an awesome scramble, got my haircut by a new and cute guy and saw two of my clients on a walk while biking.  I feel like Spring is really here.

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