Sunday, May 30, 2010

dry creek falls

It's amazing how a gorgeous waterfall can go unnoticed.  In certain areas, this would be the state attraction.  However, there is so much wonder in the Columbia River Gorge that a sight as lush as this can be overlooked.  My housemates have lived here all there lives and they've never heard of Dry Creek Falls or at least didn't recognize the name.  I hadn't heard of it until 20 minutes before Brandt came to pick me up.  It turned out to be a wonderful getaway.

Today is supposed to be the only nice day of the Memorial Day weekend.  Therefore, you know that the regular spots (anything on the Scenic Highway) are going to be crowded.  After we got back, I talked to my housemates who had tried to go on the highway but traffic was ridiculous.

On the path to Dry Creek Falls, we ran into maybe six other groups.  It was perfect for the dogs.  They had so much room to run around.  Brandt has two pit bulls which unfortunately face a lot of negative stereotypes.  It also didn't help that his girl dog barked at every female.  However, it was still a nice hike.

For people who are interested, you can click here to get directions to the falls.  Get a visitors pass from the Lorang Fine Arts building in town (down the road several blocks and on the right) if you don't have a forest pass.  We saw several cars there with $75 tickets on the windows.

What else?
The walk broke Dean though.  He is having a hard time walking about the house.  He'll recover in a few days but we'll only be taking short short walks from now on.

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