Wednesday, May 26, 2010

the f word

This is my second TV post in a row.  I'll try not to make a habit of this but it's what's on my mind right now and it's more interesting (although just as delicious) as the new smoker sandwich I tried at HSG on Monday.  So here we go.

Today, I watched Glee.  That's hardly new for me.  In fact, it's the reason that I can hardly ever focus on homework on Wednesdays.  However, tonight's episode was poignant for me.  In the episode, Kurt (the gay character) gets made fun of for being his fabulous self.  He even gets threatened with bodily harm a few times.  However, another character crosses the line and uses the F word and I ain't talking about fuck.

I don't think I've written about this yet so here we go:  In 2006, my friend Dom brought it to my attention that a young band name the Punk Rock Faggots were going to play a benefit show for a radical organization in my neighborhood.  I asked them to change their name and they refused.  They said they were trying to reclaim the word although they all identified as straight.  I asked to speak to the crowd before they played, reading a statement primarily composed by Dom which stated we wouldn't put up with the N-word in the name of a band that plays at radical benefits so why are we tolerating Faggot?

Before I finished, I had a couple of dozen punks and others yelling, "Faggot" at me and telling me to go back to the gay bar.  Hell, a couple of punks from Beaverton (who later wrote to me and apologized) even held up a big sign in the balcony that spelled "FAG."  It was rough.  I wasn't afraid of physical violence because I had a crew with me but it did still hit me hard.

I still get the occasional shout-out from street punks but I don't let it get to me.  However, this episode spoke about how we as a society tolerate certain terms, mainly Faggot (but they should have mentioned Bitch too).  Wow, it made me all emotional again and here I am, writing about it, unable to focus on anything else.

Interestingly enough, I watched the episode (and then later stayed at home, pacing) instead of attending a meeting regarding the damned Westboro Baptist Church and the counter-protest of their upcoming visit.

I was also asked today by the person who used to run Bridges to Independence (who put the drag show for people with DD) to be on the advisory board for a new organization LGBTQ + DD that is just starting.  I was honored and of course accepted!

What else?
My class staged a coup against the teacher that gave me an F. (!) Actually, it wasn't that organized but we did question her on the last paper she gave us and got her to make some concessions.  I haven't heard back from the student director for our department regarding appealing my grade so I decided to be nice for now and just do the last assignment.

Also, in the same class, we discussed where we want to be in five years.  I realized the privileged situation I am in.  I know exactly where I'm going to be.  My job is secure.  I won't have any loans to pay off.  Plus my boss has told me that I can manage our ATE department as soon as the current guy retires.  Two co-workers (chatty people that work in a different department but close to my desk) got fired today too.  Word has it that they got fired for excessive gossip but that could just be a rumor. ;)  Wow, I am thankful for my stability.

Oh, and the guy at Food for Thought now knows my name.  I'm "Tofer with the french toast." ;)  There's another Topher there but he always gets oatmeal.

My new thing for the day though was eating at Alexandrya, the Mediterranean place across the street from the veggie african cart.  It was okay but I think I still like Fat Kitty Falafel better. 

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