Sunday, January 10, 2010

in my top five

When 'Run Lola Run' came to video in late 99 or early 2000, the preview for it played on our promo reel at the video store enough times that I decided I had to give it a shot.  Within the first five minutes, my roommate Brian asked me what the hell I just rented.  By the end, we were each blown away and I was racing to the store to buy the soundtrack which I would have worn out had it been a cassette tape.

Favorites are a peculiar thing.  It's odd what resonates with us and what doesn't resonate with others.  It might have been the time and place I was in when I watched it but I was in love with this movie.  I bought the English dubbed video (foolishly), then the English subtitled version and finally the DVD.  I also have the movie poster hanging in my room.  I realize that it's not one of the best movies ever made but it's one of my favorite and it's a damn good movie.

I think that it's one concepts in Run Lola Run that sells me on the movie; everything we do has an impact on our surroundings in some way, shape or form.  I used to see children as the only way your everyday person could have a lasting effect on the world that went beyond their lifetime.  However, Run Lola Run really brings home the point that whether we are conscious of it or not, we impact people all of the time and that sets off a ripple of how they impact others in their surroundings and so on and so forth.  In other words, what we do in this life does indeed make a difference.  Well, it's that concept and the kick-ass original soundtrack.

The Laurelhurst, one of my favorite theaters, is playing Run Lola Run this week.  Dominic went to see it with me today and we pointed out scenery that we saw when we were in Berlin.  While I would count this movie as a new thing since it does have such an impact on my life, I could also say that not drinking beer and instead trying lemonade at the Laurelhurst is my new thing for the day.

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