Wednesday, January 6, 2010

i've got a theory

I don't like talking in abstracts, what-ifs or over-generalizations so I've got to wonder what I'm doing in a theory class.  My only hope(s) is that my classes are going to surprise me this quarter by being fascinating or that the quarter will at least go by quickly.

Today was my second class.  Fortunately, I have several people from my last quarter (and people I really liked) in this class and actually a good number of people that were in my research class yesterday too.  Unfortunately, the teacher seems to be really by-the-book and speaks like she's coughing up a social work glossary.  I haven't taken a theories class before and this is only my second term as a social work student so there's a whole lot of the terminology that is completely foreign to me.

I also find that it's interesting that I've now attended four classes with approximately 65 different students (which I think is close to half of all the admitted 1st years) and I am still the only person I know that is working or interested in working with people with developmental disabilities.  Am I in the wrong place?  A personal agent for one of our clients told a co-worker that she went through this exact same program and was disappointed because she wanted to learn more about people with DD and ended up just getting overeducated about LGBTQ people.  That'd be fine but that's not what I'm aiming for professionally.

What else?
To add to my disappointment, I went to Fernando's Mundo Fiesta which proudly advertises vegan and veggie food.  I ordered the Rip City Garden Burger.  It wasn't bad but it was absolutely nothing special.  They do have other veggie options, some of which have to have a personal touch so maybe I'll go back.

Also, I hurt today.  I played the Wii with Ashes a lot yesterday when I was sick and he was taking a vacation day.  We wakeboarded for quite a while and now it hurts to open a car door.

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