Wednesday, October 3, 2007

ultrecht, holland

Today, we played a show at ACU, a radical cafe in Ultrecht. The show was okay but Riot Cop was only punk band at the show. It was a lot more emo-core than we are used to. However, I think I enjoyed it more.

We didn't sell that much stuff. I made our poster board to display the merchandise. It looks more like I giving a science fair presentation on how a volcano works but we have such an eclectic assortment of merch, it has to be displayed somehow besides table-top. We did make 100 euro at the door though. That means we're only 100 euro in debt now. Wow, this is gonna be a rough tour.

The guy pictured above is Lenin, our van driver. He's awesome. Lenin has a bit of a temper but I haven't heard, "Topher! Get IN THE VAN!"yet so I think he's worked on his anger issues a bit!

I'm still enjoying it all but I think that we are going to end up losing a lot of money. Oh well, we'll have fun doing it!

And I was able to shower today!! Yay!!! (and post pictures!)

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