Monday, March 29, 2010

spring quarter

Man, winter break was actually too long but spring break was too short.  I started classes again today.  Mondays are my class days now.  I had two new professors today and one different classroom with several new classmates.  I'm not so sure about this quarter.  My theory professor appears to be tough and assigns a lot but my my statistics (yes, I have to take f*ing statistics) professor seems easy and there's not a long paper.

With a new quarter, I decided to try out a new restaurant.  I went to Broadway Coffee and Tea and had an awesome crepe and lentil soup.  It was weird though afterwards because I realized that the protest was just kicking off then.  I would've had enough time to hear the speakers before my class would start and I would have to leave.  Still, it's weird to be eating crepes when friends are facing police danger.  I guess priorities take place and this is where I'm at in life.

After class got out, I checked indymedia quick and saw that the protest had turned into a jail support so I walked down that way and walked through the crowd.  Everyone was doing their thing and had the time invested then.  I had just got there and was not prepared to deal with the situation.  I was in my school clothes, my camera battery wasn't charged and I really didn't know what was going on right then.  As I was talking to someone who was there earlier on the phone, a cop came up to me and asked me what I was doing.  I realized that everyone else had moved on and I was by myself and not prepared.  I quickly left and decided that I would be no good to anyone there so I left.  It had been a long day.  I still plan to get involved but only when I have time to properly invest myself in it.  With the school work I got already, I don't plan on being free until June.

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