Monday, March 22, 2010

must be spring in portland

It happens about once a year during Spring.  That's the scary thing. It's something that we can almost set our calendars to.

Earlier this year, the cops killed Aaron Campbell who wasn't doing anything but being black when confronted by the cops.  Earlier today, a cop shot someone in a park.  That's all that's being released at this time but I'd wager it was unjustified.

That may sound biased, given I've made such an assumption on so little information.  However, history is backing me up.  The cops here have shot and tazered people that have been on fire, handcuffed or just plain innocent of any wrong doing.  Hell, the cops pepper-sprayed one guy who had set himself on fire last year.  So yeah, I think that it was unwarranted.

Even if it wasn't, the police have a lot to answer for so we marched tonight.  There was a quick gathering at Colonel Summers Park to discuss the issue.  I thought this would be just talk which it was so I brought Dean to this park for the first time.  After they decided to march, we ran home, dropped him off, grabbed a camera and a megaphone and hit the streets.  This isn't my first march nor will it be my last but the circumstances were different.

The cops were caught off-guard and our outrage was expressed and our point was made.  We are mad and tired of this.  There's going to be another march tomorrow so I'll post more info then.

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