Saturday, March 6, 2010

just me and the beasts

I find it hard to believe that I lived alone for so long.  From mid 2000 to mid 2004, it was just me and then me and Dean but I still consider that living on my own because it wasn't like there was anyone else to take care of the house or talk to.

They were formative years and they ultimately led me to where I am now.  In that respect, they could be considered positive changes.  However, my housemates are all gone for the next five days and I'm bored already.

While I would love more space and maybe a quiet room without a TV, I don't think that I can live on my own again.  I got lucky with the housemates that I have in that we get along.  There's a certain amount of give and take as there is with any functional relationship but more importantly, there's sharing.  We share stories, resources, responsibilities, company, dinners and ideas.  (I think I can hear my misanthrope card being revoked as I write this.)

I do hope for a bigger space one day though with a bit more room for all of us.  However, I don't relish the idea of moving.  I helped a friend Agni move today.  She was moving out of the apartments next door so I figured I'd lend myself to her.  I'm still a little depleted of energy but it felt really good to do something physical.  I've helped people move out of those apartments before but Agni had a LOT of stuff and we had to get creative with moving it (which was my new thing).  I was pretty sure that my picture for this post was going to be her entertainment center sinking to the bottom of the apartment's pool but fortunately (for Agni) it wasn't.

After helping her, I came back to my place and looked at the plethora of crap we have and imagined how long it would take us to move it all.  When that day comes, I'm going to be calling in a lot of favors!

What else?
I decided to watch "The Road" tonight by myself.  Bad idea.  It was a great movie but very hard to watch and terrifying at times.  It was really really hard to get to sleep afterwards!

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