Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I'm kinda proud of this picture too and it was real effortless.

While biking home from school tonight, I realized that the only new thing I did was try yet another new food cart (a mexican food cart this time) but I didn't even catch the name.  That's how much I don't care anymore.  There's a blog out there that focuses on critiquing eateries in Portland.  There's also LokiLoka which is where I should just post my food cart critiques instead of using space here.  Plus I didn't want to take pictures of my burrito during class.  That would have been akward and pointless.  It's a burrito.

This picture on the other hand is pretty if I do say so myself.  When I bike home on part of the Eastside Esplanade, I pass the dragon boat dock.  I've done this countless times but tonight I ventured out onto the dock.  It gave me a beautiful view of the city on a beautiful night.

I cop out a lot of times on my blog posts and I'd sworn off taking pictures of my food lots of times before this so I won't waste my time doing it again.  However, I think that I'll make more of effort to get a better picture.  Most of the purpose behind this blog is for me to tell a story but pictures add 1000 words and pictures can be oh so pretty.

1 comment:

Eric said...

Beautiful! I like how the light reflects of the wet dock.