Wednesday, March 3, 2010


This blog is now my online refrigerator door.  My professor that I had to do the presentation for last week returned our grades today and it was absolutely glowing!  I have never ever gotten such high praise from a teacher, especially not one that I respect so much.  I've got back good papers before but this!  I go all Lisa-Simpson when it comes to needing and receiving academic validation.  On the front, she stated, "This presentation was outstanding on every level."  I will definitely be holding onto this paper to look at in times when I am feeling less than capable of making it through school.

What else?
To counter my good academic day. I had a bad biking morning.  I got downtown early in attempt to get to the gym before class.  However, by the time I crossed the Hawthorne Bridge, I had to walk my bike and I was hacking and spitting like a camel on a bender.  I felt like absolute crap.  I may have what my housemates have or my allergies may be flaring up early.  Either way, it sucks and I can't move without coughing and going into a fit of sorts.  Yesterday wasn't like this and I've been taking meds since then.  I hope I get on the mend soon.

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