Tuesday, March 9, 2010

doesn't play well with others

Despite the success of my last group project, I think I can safely say that I work better alone.

I don't know when I developed a good work ethic or at least a lot of pride in my work but I think that it's a result of my OCD.  I like things organized or, more accurately, I like things organized my way.

At work, we have to do self-evals and one of the things I said I would work on is, "Respect the different styles of my co-workers."  I've become really specific about how I do things, how my paperwork is formatted, when it's turned in, etc.  When working on these group projects this quarter, I've been trying to keep that in mind.  I've got an anal-retentive nature and nobody can read my mind so they can't possibly live up to my standards.  However, the people in this last group project fell far below my standards.

I spent most of the weekend working on this assignment which included a powerpoint presentation and a paper.  One of my group members, the other guy, was supposed to write a 5-6 page section of the paper.  He had most of the quarter to get it to us so me and the girl in the group could work on our sections.  He didn't get it to us until late last week.  And it was only 4 pages.  And it wasn't formatted in the APA research paper style.  I fixed it up this weekend and did my part.  I passed it onto the other member who had to wrap it up and do a reference page.  Tonight, minutes before class, she got the reference page done and forgot to put in one reference.  ARGH!!!!  Topher ANGRY!

During the actual presentation, the guy got some of the info wrong and the girl read straight off her slides.  Damn, I was mad.  She left early and I told him at the end that we were missing a reference.  He told me to turn it in anyway.  Damn damn damn.  Today was the last day of class so we did eval for the teacher.  I suggested that he give us assignments that didn't rely on other people.

The only reason I'm not pacing and fuming right now is I rode back on the Holgate bus and was able to talk to two other classmates the whole way who were furious with their group partners too.  We agreed that it's just something that you have to deal with in the group process which is why I prefer to work alone.

What else?
I went into the "Natural" convenience store near campus.  A store with neon lights that advertise "Natural" reeks of hypocrisy.  It did have some organic food but then it also had PBR, Three Musketeers and Coke.  I don't think that I'll be going there again.

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